Saturday & Sunday, January 4-5, 2025
I wanted to start the year off right on the first weekend of 2025, so I met up with a friend on Saturday morning and we spent the rest of the weekend together hiking in canyons that carved through the Book Cliffs in search of petroglyphs and pictographs. We found a lot of new rock art along the way and even stopped to revisit a couple sites that I hadn’t been back to in almost fifteen years which were nice to see again. While Saturday was mostly overcast all day with a couple of short-lived snow showers in the late morning and Sunday was completely clear and sunny, the cool temperatures throughout the weekend were great for hiking in. Here are some photos of the rock art we saw this weekend.
Big Rainbow Panel
High Red Pictographs
Above & Below
One Sheep
Two Sheep
Full & Half Circles
Lower Slab Panel
This large boulder with these Classic Vernal Style Fremont figures was very cool!
A closer look at the Fremont figure on the left.
The Hunting Party
Big Boulder Panel
High Sheep Panel
High Sandals
This was a fairly large and unusual panel…
Big Hand & Shield
This Fremont figure certainly reminded me of the amazing petroglyphs found near McKee Spring in Dinosaur National Monument.
Another nice Classic Vernal Style figure.
We were almost out of daylight when we spotted this panel.
Leaping Sheep
Sheep & Dog
There were some old and unusual petroglyphs on the top of this large boulder.
This was an interesting site with grinding slicks and petroglyphs under a little overhanging boulder.
Swayback Sheep Panel
Radiation Man. This was one of my favorite figures that we saw this weekend since I like finding the ‘walking shields’ that are commonly found around the Book Cliffs.
Snake Arm
This panel had a nice golden glow on it when we arrived.
Boulder-Top Petroglyphs
Outline Sheep
Mud-Covered Zoomorph
Here’s an interesting inscription: S. Bowman, Trapper, 78.
The Bat
Disappearing Spiral
A nice panel of petroglyphs found at the bottom of this large boulder.
Sheep in the Slot
Slot Petroglyphs
I liked these petroglyphs, but the harsh light was terrible on them.
Open Hands
Elk Petroglyphs
I live next to the book cliffs in Ouray. Are you willing to share locations?