Saturday, October 23, 2010
On Saturday morning Amanda and I headed to Green River to follow the San Rafael Desert Loop. With all the rain the area had received lately we were a little worried about the condition of the roads in the area, but we lucked out and most of them were in good shape. As we made our way south from Green River the roads were a bit muddy from the recent rains, but not too bad. We did come across an abandoned camper on a muddy hill that someone couldn’t get out. The further south we got from Green River, the drier the roads were. Our first destination was the old Chaffin Ranch to see the cold water geyser. We hung around until it started to spout water.
While we were waiting for the geyser, I took some photos of the colorful mineral deposits surrounding the opening.

Just starting to erupt

There we go


Once it was finished we made our way over the San Rafael River and continued south. We took the short detours to the overlooks at Bull Bottom and the Trin-Alcove Bend along the way. Our next destination was Keg Point so that we could visit Colonnade Arch (Five Hole Arch).

Views from inside

4 of 5

From Keg Point we returned to the main loop and followed it back to the highway. On our way back to Green River it started to storm again, so we had planned our day trip perfectly. We had some big burgers for dinner at Ray’s Tavern before making our way home. As we drove along the Book Cliffs on our drive home, there was a bunch of lightning from the approaching storm. I got off the interstate at the Cisco exit and setup my camera to try and get some photos. This was my best one.