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Pictograph Fork & The Harvest Scene | Day 2

The Maze and the Mesa (April 2011)


Day 2: Pictograph Fork & The Harvest Scene

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our second day started out cold with plenty of wind. None of us slept very well since the wind was noisy all night. After some breakfast we bundled up and started our hike down Pictograph Fork to check out the Harvest Scene pictographs.

Hiking Pictograph Fork
Hiking Pictograph Fork

If you look closely you can see Dave and Jared in the canyon ahead of me as we hike towards Pictograph Fork.


Along the way we stopped at a petroglyph panel.

Pictograph Fork Petroglyphs
Pictograph Fork Petroglyphs


Pictograph Fork Anthropomorphs
Pictograph Fork Anthropomorphs


Then we continued on until we reached the Harvest Scene, which was one of my main reasons for going to The Maze this trip.

Near the Harvest Scene
Near the Harvest Scene

The canyon near The Harvest Scene Panel.


The sun was shining on the panel and washing it out pretty good, but luckily there were a few puffy clouds in the sky that blocked the sun for a few minutes at a time so that I could try and take some decent photos of the panel.

Harvest Scene Panel
Harvest Scene Panel

An overview of the Harvest Scene Pictograph Panel.


The Harvest Scene
The Harvest Scene

A closer look at the part of the panel that gives it the name ‘Harvest Scene’.


Tall, Skinny, & Elaborate
Tall, Skinny, & Elaborate

These figures found on the left side of the panel are very elaborately decorated.


Bow to the Stripes
Bow to the Stripes

The figure to the right of the striped anthropomorph appears to be bowing.


Striped Man
Striped Man

A closer look at the striped figure.


Jared for Scale
Jared for Scale

Jared checking out the panel and giving it some scale.


Dave & Jared
Dave & Jared

Both Dave and Jared for some scale.


The Hand that Feeds
The Hand that Feeds

Not a great photo, but the best I managed to get on this trip. If you look closely you can see what looks like a bird a rabbit and another smaller zoomorph on the outstretched hand. There is also what appears to be indian rice grass growing out of the middle finger on the hand. A very interesting panel.


There were plenty of other pictographs to be found nearby, too.

Standing Dog
Standing Dog

The furthest figure on the right appears to be a very long dog standing up.


Two Faint Panels
Two Faint Panels

These two pictograph panels are located just to the left of the main Harvest Scene panel.


Faint Panel
Faint Panel

Another of the panels found nearby.


Pictograph Fork Snake Panel
Pictograph Fork Snake Panel

These pictographs are found a bit upstream from the Harvest Scene and are actually the first panel you will come across when hiking down-canyon as we did.


We had some lunch before leaving the Harvest Scene and then continued on our loop hike.

Pictograph Fork
Pictograph Fork

Another view of Pictograph Fork from near the pictographs.


We took a detour towards the Maze Overlook trail in search of some more rock art and found this snake petroglyph, which might be the one Ed Abbey spoke of in Desert Solitaire when he descended into The Maze….

Snake Alone
Snake Alone

An overview of the location where the snake petroglyph is found.


Small Snake Petroglyph
Small Snake Petroglyph

A closer look at the snake petroglyph.


It was a long hike back to camp and windy again once we climbed back out of the canyon.

March to Camp
March to Camp

Hiking over the sandstone on our way back to camp.


We passed this small arch along the way.

Mesa Top Arch
Mesa Top Arch


Through the Arch
Through the Arch

A view of The Maze and the La Sal Mountains in the distance through the small arch.


Small Chimney
Small Chimney

Can you spot Chimney Rock in the distance, it was a long hike back to camp.


When we arrived back at camp, we had some dinner and tried to stay out of the wind as much as possible.

Jared, Jeep & Rock
Jared, Jeep & Rock

Jared having some dinner and using my Jeep to block the wind. Chimney Rock in the background.


When the sun was getting close to setting, we grabbed our cameras and took some photos…

Colorful Layers
Colorful Layers

I love the layers of color in this photo.


Another Chimney Rock Sunset
Another Chimney Rock Sunset

Just another photo of Chimney Rock glowing in the late evening sunlight.


Dave in Camp
Dave in Camp

Dave trying to keep warm.


View from Camp
View from Camp


Canyonlands at Sunset
Canyonlands at Sunset


The Maze and Canyon Rims
The Maze and Canyon Rims


Aside from the wind when we were up out of the canyon, it was a good day. I’m glad I finally got to visit the Harvest Scene and will probably hike down from The Maze Overlook next time I want to visit it.


Day 3 to be continued…

Published on April 20, 2011