Friday, September 23, 2011
After work on Friday, Amanda and I headed down to Moab to meet a few friends at the Moab Brewery for a birthday party and some burgers. After dinner we hiked up to the Moab Maiden in the dark so that I could attempt some night photography there again. Here’s a few of my photos from the night.
This is probably my favorite photo from Friday. I was able to frame the shot so that the Big Dipper was right over the large boulder containing the petroglyph.
This one didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped, so I guess I will have to try again sometime in the future.
I have taken a photo of the Moab Maiden with star trails before, but I wanted to attempt the shot again. I think this one turned out better than the last, but I’m still not entirely happy with it. Either way, we had a nice evening examining the skies. We even spotted a few shooting stars.