Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I’ve been anticipating the Solstice this year so that I could visit the Solstice Snake petroglyph to watch and photograph the arrowhead of light that appear on the snake’s head. For about two minutes on the Summer Solstice a dagger of light shaped like an arrowhead appears on the head of this very large and well executed petroglyph of a snake. It was an amazing experience!
Of course I went out searching for some new rock art while I was in Moab, too 🙂
A new panel of petroglyphs I came across…..very faded, but there’s a lot going on here if you look closely.
A closer look at the previous panel.
A Barrier Canyon Style anthropomorphic figure found along the Colorado River.
This Barrier Canyon Style anthropomorph found high up in a shallow alcove looks like a turtle to me.
I also made a return visit to the Golf Course Panel for a few photos…
On my way home I made a short detour into the Book Cliffs. Over the weekend when I was hiking with Philippe, he mentioned that he had gone to visit the Robidoux Panel when he first arrived in Utah and found that it was now broken…. I wanted to see just how bad the damage was for myself.
I last visited this panel on December 18, 2010 and it was still in one piece then. Here’s a photo I took that day…
Check out my other posts in the Moab Area Rock Art Series:
Moab Area Rock Art I | Colorado River Gorge / Golf Course / Kane Creek
Moab Area Rock Art II | Kane Creek Canyon & Potash Road
Moab Area Rock Art III | Mill Creek Canyon / Kane Creek / Bartlett Panel
Moab Area Rock Art IV | The Secret Grotto & More
Moab Area Rock Art V | Hidden Valley & Behind the Rocks
Moab Area Rock Art VI | Yellow Comet Alcove
Moab Area Rock Art VII | Solstice Snake
Moab Area Rock Art VIII | Dark Angel Petroglyphs
Moab Area Rock Art IX | Mill Creek Canyon
Moab Area Rock Art X | Stearns Wash