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Tag: petroglyphs

East Entrance Canyon Petroglyphs

Friday, August 5, 2011

After I got out of work, I decided to head back over to the Colorado National Monument to search of some new petroglyphs I had read about. I only knew they were located in East Entrance Canyon and had no other specific information about their location, but I had a guess as to where they might be based on a photo I had found. It turns out that my guess was right and I found them in no time! Here’s a couple photos of the two small panels I found.

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A Hot Day in the Swell Searching for Rock Art

San Rafael Swell Rock Art V
Saturday, July 23, 2011

I spent Saturday in the San Rafael Swell visiting some new and old rock art sites. It was pretty hot out and the bugs were out in force during my first hike, but it was still a great day! I found many cool new panels while I was out exploring. I’ll let the photos do the talking…


Grand Staircase – Escalante Ruins & Rock Art

Saturday & Sunday, July 16-17, 2011

This past weekend Amanda and I headed down to the Grand Staircase – Escalante National Monument to visit some ruins and rock art that I have wanted to get to for a while. The weather was pretty nice all weekend, in the upper 80′s during the hottest part of the day, and there were enough clouds in the sky to block the sunlight occasionally to help keep things feeling a little cooler.


White River Area Rock Art

Saturday, June 25, 2011

On Saturday I was hoping to spend around half the day with Amanda exploring the area around Rangely, Colorado. We were planning on revisiting a few rock art sites and maybe trying to find a few new ones, too. Unfortunately, we ended up cutting the trip short because the biting gnats were just unbearable. Once we got out of the Jeep we would have a few minutes (if we were lucky) until they found us and swarmed around us. We were wearing bug spray, but it didn’t help at all. After our first stop at the Carrot Men Panel, Amanda decided to stay in the Jeep for the rest of our stops, and I don’t blame her. If I kept moving, the bugs weren’t too bad, but the second I stopped to take a photo, it was all over! After being chased by swarms of gnats at each stop we made, I decided to call it a day early and come back another time. I did get a few photos, though!

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