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Long Fingers Canyon | Day 9

The Maze and the Mesa (April 2011)


Day 9: Long Fingers Canyon

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The last day of our 9 day trip had finally arrived and I was looking forward to getting home and taking a real shower. We wanted to make this a shorter day so that we wouldn’t be getting home too late. We broke down camp, had a quick breakfast and then we crossed over Comb Ridge and headed south along Butler Wash. Then we hiked into Long Fingers Canyon and explored all of the alcoves, ruins and rock art that we could find. It was a nice and easy hike with a lot to see and explore. It’s amazing how many large alcoves this short canyon contains!

To the Comb
To the Comb

Hiking along the ‘now closed’ road towards Comb Ridge and Long Fingers Canyon.


White Hands
White Hands

The first large alcove we came to had a set of white handprints on the back wall.


Red Figure
Red Figure

As we neared the Long Fingers Ruins we passed a number of faint petroglyphs and pictographs. I spotted this faint red anthropomorph high above.


Flying Target
Flying Target

This is certainly one of the more unique petroglyphs I have come across. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It was hard to get a good shot of it, but I think this one turned out OK.


Stick Figure
Stick Figure

Another of the faint petroglyphs on the way to the ruins.


Pregnant Stick Figure
Pregnant Stick Figure

Here’s another stick figure that has a round middle section….my guess would be representing pregnancy.


Metate Designs
Metate Designs

This boulder has a few interesting petroglyphs and a couple of metate grooves.


Jared in the Alcove
Jared in the Alcove

Jared exiting the deep alcove below the ruins.


Spirals with Feet
Spirals with Feet

These spirals appear to have legs and feet with three toes.


Red and Black Wall
Red and Black Wall

Here’s another ruin that appears to have had the back wall painted red and black.


Long Fingers
Long Fingers

Here’s the set of hand petroglyphs with very long fingers from where the canyon gets it’s name.


Bird Tracks
Bird Tracks

A couple of bird feet or tracks.


Metate Rock
Metate Rock

There were plenty of boulders around in the alcoves containing many metate grooves, but this one had more grooves than a lot of the others.


Small Man
Small Man

A few small pictographs in another alcove.


Spiral Hands
Spiral Hands

A closeup of some spiral design handprints.


Many Hands
Many Hands

This alcove contained a whole bunch of handprints.


Long Fingers Ruins
Long Fingers Ruins

An overview of the canyon and the Long Fingers Ruins…..some above and some below.


Green Target
Green Target

Up by the higher set of ruins are a few green pictographs. I took this photo from below before we exited the canyon.


After we exited the canyon we climbed up comb Ridge to try and access the higher set of ruins, but the route to reach them was a bit too much for us, so we headed back down to the Jeep and called it a day. Jared and I parted ways and a few hours later I was back home and unloading the Jeep.

We hiked a lot of miles….my legs were tired….I spent some time with good friends….we explored many new places….it was a great trip!

The End.

Published on May 9, 2011