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Fremont Indian State Park | Set 4

February 11 & 12, 2011

Even more photos from Fremont Indian State Park in no particular order. Make sure to check out Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3.

Connected Spirals
Connected Spirals

We spotted this petroglyph panel when we first arrived at the park as it was easily visible from the road. We returned later to photograph it in the late afternoon sunlight.

Spiral Anthropomorph
Spiral Anthropomorph

We didn’t find these two good-sized petroglyphs near Radford’s Roost until our second day, even though they were near the road.

Sheep, Elk & Dots
Sheep, Elk & Dots

We found this panel when were were exploring the Canyon of Life.

Clear Creek Canyon Petroglyphs 2
Clear Creek Canyon Petroglyphs 2

Another of the larger petroglyph panels located along the Rim Trail between the large anthropomorph and Newspaper Rock.

Arch of Art Boulder
Arch of Art Boulder

A large boulder near the Arch of Art that has a few petroglyphs on it.

Top of Hunting Maps
Top of Hunting Maps

A closer look at the top of the Hunting Maps panel along the Parade of Rock Art trail.

Published on February 18, 2011