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Dry Fork – McConkie Ranch | Set 5

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Dry Fork | McConkie Ranch

Well, here’s the last set of photos I’m going to post from our trip to the McConkie Ranch in Dry Fork on Saturday . You can check out Set 1 , Set 2, Set 3, and Set 4 for more.


Sun Carrier
Sun Carrier

A closer look at The Sun Carrier, also known as the Three Kings. One of the most impressive panels we came across. You can’t get too close to it, but luckily I had my 100-400mm lens with me. Click on the image and look at it in a larger size to see more of the detail.


Fading Partners Overview
Fading Partners Overview

An overview of the ‘Fading Partners’ on what turned out to be a pretty nice day.


Knife in Hand
Knife in Hand

Looking up at this large anthropomorph that appears to be holding a knife.


Trophy Head 2
Trophy Head 2

A close-up of another figure holding a trophy head. This one looks a bit meaner than the others.


The Line-Up
The Line-Up

A straight-on view of this large pictoglyph panel along the Main Trail.


Small Shield Figure
Small Shield Figure

Just a small shield figure petroglyph.


Lichen man
Lichen Man

Another view of this medium-sized figure that is next to a colorful display of lichen.


The Couple 2
The Couple 2

I liked the setting of this set of petroglyphs, so I took a few different photos. This is a nice overview.


Head Hunter Panel
Head Hunter Panel

Another of my favorite panels that I took a few different photos of. Look closely and you can even find the Red Spiral pictoglyph I posted earlier.


Trail End
Trail End

The end of the Main Trail. I thought this photo might be a fitting end to my sets of photos from the trip. Hope you enjoyed 🙂

Published on March 17, 2011