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30-365 | Day 314

Red Moon (Lunar Eclipse)

Since Amanda and I woke up at 12:30am this morning to watch the Lunar Eclipse for a little bit, I decided to make this my photo of the day, even if it’s not that great of a photo. We were worried that we would not be able to see the eclipse since it was very cloudy and rainy all day yesterday and was supposed to stay that way into today. However, when I got outside and looked up, I noticed there were stars in a part of the sky and realized if we waited just a little bit longer the moon would become visible. After about 5-10 minutes of waiting for the clouds to clear, we were treated to a view of the Red Moon.

Full lunar eclipses occur about once a year, with partial ones happening more frequently. But this one was rare because it landed on the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, when the moon is high in the sky. The last time that happened was Dec. 21, 1638. And the next time will be Dec. 21, 2094

Published on December 21, 2010