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Tag: natural bridge

An Evening at Bryce Canyon National Park

Las Vegas Trip 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday had arrived, which means it was time to finally leave Las Vegas. Even though we enjoyed visiting some of the areas outside of the city, we were both looking forward to getting out of the big city. After checking out of our hotel we were back on the road again and pretty soon we were out of Nevada, Arizona and then back in Utah again. Our destination for today was Bryce Canyon National Park, but we decided to get there via the Arizona Strip and through Kanab. We stopped to grab some lunch in Kanab and then carried on until we finally reached Bryce.

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Laccolith Tour | Henry Mountains

Saturday & Sunday, June 12-13, 2010

This last weekend Amanda and I decided to head for the Henry Mountains. I have skirted around them many times in the past, but for some reason I had never made the time to stop and check them out. This was my weekend to correct that little problem 🙂 Last week was very hot and sunny around here, so I thought the weather would be perfect when I started planning the trip. Unfortunately, there was a cold front that came through and screwed up all that nice weather while we were out exploring. We managed to still have a great time, even with the cooler temperatures, rain and snow.

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Hole-in-the-Rock Adventure | Day 3

Saturday, April 10, 2010

After a near perfect night camping, we were up early again so that Dave and I could hike down to Cottonwood Hill from the end of the 4×4 trail. On our way down we passed a number of grooves carved into the rock from the cables used to drag the wagons up the hills. (I later learned that these were actually created by the early Jeeps driving this route.)

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