Saturday, July 30, 2011
On Saturday I met up with my friend Kevin so that we could do some hiking in the San Rafael Swell and hopefully find a few rock art panels. We did find the panels we were looking for, so here’s a few photos…
Our first stop was at the Barnes Panel, which is a very faded Barrier Canyon Style pictograph panel. I enhanced this photo greatly so you can see the details.
This is pretty close to what the panel looks like with the naked eye.
Same scene as above, except enhanced so you can see all the interesting details. Pretty amazing details in this one!
Our next stop was a visit to the High Alcove Panel. This is a cool panel set high up on the canyon wall under an arched overhang. This is the main figure found here.
After parting ways with Kevin, I headed back into the canyon in search of the Ekker Panel. While searching, I managed to find this unique figure overlooking the canyon below. There was also another small panel of pictographs and petroglyphs nearby.
Finally I found the Ekker Panel, which is an impressive site. This anthropomorph has a bunch of small sheep walking up it’s side.
A very large figure next to a few smaller ones.
The small figure on the left has some pretty big eyes!
The largest figure at the site, and the highest, too. I’m not sure how tall it is, but if I had to guess, my guess would be around 8 feet.
Another figure at the Ekker Site with three medium sized sheep.
One of the larger petroglyphs I found nearby.
Three fading anthropomorphs.
After finishing up my hike, I headed back over to Temple Wash to search for a second pictograph panel in the area. I have searched for this one before, but never found it…..until today!