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2011-Twelve | January

It’s the last day of January, and that means it’s time for me to get the first post from my 2011-Twelve Photo Project up. I’ve gone back through all of the photos I’ve taken this month and chosen my favorite.


Pastel Alcove Ruin
Pastel Alcove Ruin

I chose this photo because it was a new and interesting ruin that I visited for the first time, plus I really enjoyed the pastel colors of the alcove that it sits in.


I’ve decided that I am also going to post up one or two runners-up each month just so you can see which ones I had to decide between. Here are two other photos I took during January that I like a lot, but didn’t quite get my top pick.

Snow & Aspen
Snow & Aspen

Cave 7 Ruin
Cave 7 Ruin

Published on January 31, 2011