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The Colorado River: Palisade Rim to Riverbend Park

After Work Adventures | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | Average CFS: 3,860

This afternoon Jackson and I headed out after work to go for a short float with our packrafts on the Colorado River from the Palisade Rim Trailhead to the Riverbend Park in Palisade. As we get very close to floating all of the Colorado River from Glenwood Canyon to Lake Powell, this was one of the few remaining sections of the river left for both of us. The water level of the river has dropped quickly and significantly over the past week, so it was moving a little slower than our past couple of trips further upstream and we had to watch out for rocks just under the surface, but the entire float still took us less than an hour and we were home in time for dinner.

My Alpacka Mule ready ready to launch from the Palisade Rim Trailhead. I’m glad I upgraded from the Kokopelli Rogue Lite over the winter since I fit in this boat much better.

Alpacka Mule

Here’s a quick shot of Jackson before we started our way down the river.

On The Water

The Palisade Rim

Palisade Rim

Grand River View

Grand River View

It was very warm out in the sun this afternoon, but when the clouds blocked the sun it was pretty comfortable and a nice time to be on the river.

Palisade River Float

Book Cliffs & Clouds

Book Cliffs & Clouds

Colorado River View

Colorado River View

Looking back to the Grand Mesa towering high above as we neared the boat ramp at Riverbend Park in Palisade.

Grand Mesa

>> Palisade Rim to Riverbend Park Photo Gallery

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