IntrepidXpedition 2007 | Day 15
Thursday, August 2, 2007
After leaving my friend’s house this morning I continued further north in Utah and ended the day in Lander, Wyoming for the night.
The first trail I drove today actually took me a little ways into Idaho and then back to Utah on a loop trail. The weather this morning wasn’t the greatest..
Then I made my way into Strawberry Valley.
Next I visited Old Ephraim’s Grave. Old Ephraim was an infamous grizzly bear with a hearty appetite for sheep, cattle and other big game. The 1,100-pound bear was the last grizzly known to roam Utah.
Here’s my Jeep along the Peter Sinks Trail.
I eventually ended up driving down Temple Canyon towards Bear Lake in the distance.
I made a stop at Bear Lake and the continued my drive on the pavement into Wyoming. I spotted this rainbow somewhere in Wyoming…