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Tag: good water rim trail

The Wedge: West Side of the Good Water Rim Trail

Halloween Weekend | Saturday & Sunday, October 30-31, 2021

This weekend Diane was able to get away from her schoolwork for the second time this month, so we decided to head on over to the San Rafael Swell for a little mountain biking on The Wedge. I’ve known about the Good Water Rim Trail for a long time and have always thought it might be fun to take my mountain bike over there to check it out, but I never got around to it before. However, now that I have a mountain bike that I actually enjoy riding and have been trying to plan a few more biking trips throughout the year, this sounded like the perfect time to finally go! We left home early on Saturday morning and made our way to The Wedge Recreation Area where we found an open campsite near the the Main Trailhead and got camp set up. After lunch we hopped on our bikes and started riding the West Side of the Good Water Rim Trail to The Wedge Overlook, which was around 8 miles long. We weren’t sure how rough and slow the trail was going to be, and since we haven’t ridden our bikes much lately we didn’t think it would be a good idea to try riding the entire loop today, which is about 15 miles long.

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