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600 Acres

Saturday, February 4, 2006

I was invited by a friend to check out an off-road area near Solon, Iowa known as 600 Acres that I had never been to before. I figured I should go since it is getting closed down by the Department of Natural Resources on March 1st.

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Rockport Offroad Park

Saturday, January 21, 2006

After hitting the trails over at TRL WGN’s place in the morning, I drove over to Rockport Offroad Park to drive a few more trails in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anyone there to wheel with, so I headed off on my own. Since it had rained the night before I stuck to the medium-difficulty trails since they were all muddy and slick. I did manage to cover quite a bit of the park by myself, though. Here are a few pictures I took while I was there.

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