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Category: Hiking

Riggs Hill

Friday, June 6, 2008

After work today, Amanda and I headed out for a short hike, since it has been a whole week since we last did any hiking. Went over to Riggs Hill, which is only a few miles from our house. This hill was named after Elmer Riggs from the Chicago Field Museum and was the site of the very first dinosaur excavation in Western Colorado. Here he found the first fossils of the Brachiosaurus in 1900. There is now a cast of some bones along the trail where this discovery was made.

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Mica Mine

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Amanda wanted to head back up to try and find the Mica Mine that we couldn’t find on Monday. Lucky for us, we did find it today. We had taken a wrong turn on Monday which led us up and out of the canyon.

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A Weekend Exploring Cedar Mesa

Saturday & Sunday, May 24-25, 2008

Unfortunately since Amanda has to work on the holiday, we only had a normal weekend to go exploring, but we managed to make the most of it. After heading out after work and driving straight through to Blanding, where we filled up with gas, we made it to Comb Wash campground and managed to setup camp right before it started raining. We knew there might be a chance of rain, but it actually ended up raining all night….and pretty hard, too.

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