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Month: November 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend with The Ancients

Friday – Sunday, November 27-29, 2015

This year Diane and I spent Black Friday and rest of the Thanksgiving Weekend hiking and searching for ancient ruins and rock art in southeast Utah. Instead of camping at Natural Bridges National Monument like we did last year, this time we based out of a hotel in Blanding. I think it was a good decision since temperatures were a bit colder than I would have preferred, although we were lucky enough not to get any snow over the weekend like they did back home in Grand Junction. We ended up spending time in Montezuma Canyon, Cedar Mesa and along Comb Ridge throughout the weekend. We got to explore new areas and find a few new sites, plus we also revisited some old ones. It was a nice holiday weekend.


Devil’s Canyon Frontcountry

Thanksgiving | Thursday, November 26, 2015

For Thanksgiving Diane and I had originally planned to hike a seven mile loop through Devil’s Canyon in the morning. However, since Diane had forgotten her rain jacket at home and there were rain and snow storms scattered throughout the valley, we decided to just stick to the frontcountry trails near the mouth of Devil’s Canyon in case we needed to make a quick retreat back to my Jeep at the trailhead. We would encounter a few snowstorms throughout the morning, but they didn’t get us very wet. Since the clouds and light were looking pretty nice this morning we headed over to the Cowboy Hat Tower first so I could get a few photos of this geologic feature.

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Paradox Valley Petroglyphs

Saturday, November 21, 2015

On Saturday morning Diane and I left home early to drive to Paradox Valley in search of some new rock art. Early on during our drive through Unaweep Canyon before the sun came up we saw quite a few large elk crossing the road and had to slow down to avoid hitting any. One almost ran right into the side of my Jeep as we were stopping to let a group cross the road, but luckily she stopped and turned at the last second. It was a pretty close call!

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Coke Ovens Overlook

Monday, November 16, 2015

I was out at the Coke Ovens Overlook at the Colorado National Monument this evening hoping to catch some interesting weather conditions before sunset. While I was waiting I saw a patch of warm-colored light strike the Grand Valley in the distance and then move up the Book Cliffs before disappearing in a matter of minutes. I snapped a couple of pictures.

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The Rain Man Site

Sunday, November 15, 2015

I decided last minute on Saturday that I was going to head down to Slick Rock Canyon of the Dolores River to try and visit a new pictograph site on Sunday. I texted Marty in the late afternoon to see if he was available to go with me. He was up for it, so we met just outside of Whitewater bright and early on Sunday morning to drive down to Big Gypsum Valley for the hike. On our drive along the Unaweep – Tabeguache Scenic Byway we caught the sunrise over the Dolores River near Uravan.

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