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Year: 2012

The Road to Zion

Las Vegas Trip 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012

On Saturday morning Amanda and I left for a week-long vacation to Las Vegas with a few other stops along the way. We would be spending our first weekend of the trip visiting Zion National Park for the first time. On our drive to Zion we made a couple of stops to visit some rock art.

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Worm Moon

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I’ve tried to get a photo of the full moon rising over Mount Garfield a few times over the last year without much luck. All day it was cloudy and overcast so I thought today would be the same, but an hour before the moon was set to rise the sky began to clear. I decided to head out and see what kind of photo I could get. The sky above the Book Cliffs was a bit hazy, but the moon was still visible. I’m not completely happy with this photo, but so far it’s the best I’ve been able to get. I’ll keep trying for a better one!

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Kane Creek Canyon to Amasa Back

Moab Area Rock Art XXI | Saturday, March 3, 2012

After spending the last two weeks in the Chicago area, and not having been to Moab in almost a month (February is one of my favorite times to hike around Moab since the weather is usually nice and there aren’t any crowds yet), it was time for me to get back out into the desert for a long hike alone. I left home in the morning without any particular destination in mind, but by the time I reached Moab I had decided to hike out onto Amasa Back following the Cliffhanger Jeep Trail. This is actually one of the few Jeep trails around Moab that I have not driven before, so it was nice to finally be able to check it out.


Life & Death | Coyote Buttes North

Sunday, February 12, 2012

This trip report is dedicated in loving memory of my mom, Kathryn J. Langstraat.

I’ve long been a believer of enjoying life and living it to the fullest. That’s why I’m out exploring the Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountains just about every chance I get (and creating all of these trip reports some of you enjoy reading). You never know just how much longer you actually have on this Earth, so I always try to make the most out of my free time! I was sadly reminded of that fact this very weekend.