Saturday, September 6, 2008
On Saturday Amanda and I headed out for a day trip to the San Juan Mountains. We drove there, ran a few trails, and drove home on one tank of gas….so that wasn’t too bad.
We started off by heading up Poughkeepsie Gulch
Lake Como
After spending a little time at Lake Como, we took the short trip up to the top of California Pass
Then we headed back down and took the road up to Hurricane Pass
Great views down on Lake Como
Red Mountain #1 and Corkscrew Pass trail in the distance
It just so happens that Corkscrew Pass was our next destination…
Near the top of the pass with Red Mountain #2
Old cabin and Red Mountain #2
When we made it down to the bottom of Corkscrew Gulch, we took a right turn and headed up Brown Mountain
First we came across the Silver Mountain Mine
Then as we climbed higher onto the mountain and out of the trees, we were offered good views of the surrounding area
Looking across at Red Mountain #1
Looking down on Ironton Park and the highway
After heading back down to US 550, it was time to go finish a trail I started with Alex on the 4th of July weekend, when were were stopped by a snow drift…..US Basin & Browns Gulch
View into US Basin
Looking across the valley at Black Bear Pass trail and the trail that goes up to Porphyry Basin (US 550 down below)
The trail high above the highway
Brooklyn Mine
Finally, before heading home for the day we headed up into Porphyry Basin. I wasn’t sure what to expect with this trail, but it turned out being my favorite of the day The only issue I had was a flat tire (I’m pretty sure I was due for a flat with all the trails I run).