Saturday, June 5, 2010
I was on my own to find something to do on Saturday, so I hopped in my Jeep and headed north a little ways to Canyon Pintado to visit a few sites I didn’t make it to the last time I was there.
My first stop was at East Four Mile Draw where I would find the Sun Dagger pictograph.
Then I hiked to some petroglyphs nearby.
After leaving Four Mile Draw I started heading further north towards Rangely. I stopped along the highway at another site I spotted these rock formations.
I topped off my fuel tank in Rangely and headed south to the Shield site.
Followed by visiting the petroglyph panel at Fremont Ridge.
From Fremont Ridge I headed to the main destination I wanted to check out on this trip; the Carot Man panel.
After checking out all the pictograph and petroglyph sites I had planned to visit, it was time to head into the Book Cliffs on my way home. I started out by heading over Rabbit Mountain and then dropping down into Hells Hole.
I made a quick stop at the ghost town of Watson.
Then drove through Rainbow on my way to Dragon where I stopped at the gilsonite mine.
This new sign was recently put up since I was here in the fall.
I passed some interesting rock formations on my way back to the highway.
Then I followed the rougher track along Missouri Creek back to the pavement before heading home.
Cabins along the way.
It was a fun little day trip