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Tag: utah

Halls Wagon Road to Halls Crossing, More or Less…

Friday – Sunday, November 1-3, 2024

I started this weekend trip off with two main goals in mind as I headed west into Utah on Friday. The first one was to drive The V Road in the Grand Staircase – Escalante National Monument before it’s closed to motorized vehicles in December, and the second one was to finally take a ride on the Charles Hall Ferry across Lake Powell while it’s open and there is still enough water for it to be in operation. Although these two goals might seem like they can’t possibly be connected in any way, there is a historic route which was known as the Halls Wagon Road, Hall Road or Halls Trail, that went from Escalante to Halls Crossing and does kind of tie these two areas together. So even though I never followed any part of the actual Halls Wagon Road on this particular trip, I did roughly parallel the route on modern day roads the entire way. Plus, I have already hiked a couple sections of the historic route including Silver Falls Creek, Muley Twist Canyon and Halls Creek, and I hope to do more sections in the future. I had all of this information on my mind as I left from work on Friday and made my way over to the Escalante River Country near Harris Wash.

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Rock Art of the San Rafael Swell XIX

Sauntering Through The Swell | Friday – Sunday, October 25-27, 2024

This weekend I took it pretty easy and headed out into the San Rafael Swell so I could search for some new rock art and revisit some sites that I hadn’t been back to in over a decade! I was hoping that my friend Jared would be able to join me on this trip, but unfortunately he was unable to make it this time, so I was on my own. For the most part I found everything I was looking for and the weather and temperature was very nice out, although it was quite a bit more humid than I would have liked, so I ended up having a very nice time camping, hiking and Jeeping around the Swell this weekend. These are some photos of what I saw.

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Mystery Valley at the Monument Valley Tribal Park

Sunday, October 20, 2024

After spending Saturday at Wupatki and Sunset Crater Volcano National Monuments, we stayed at a hotel in Kayenta for the night and then got up early on Sunday so we could spend the morning going on a private tour of Mystery Valley near Monument Valley on the Navajo Nation, which I had arranged a few weeks prior with Navajo Spirit Tours. It’s been over a decade since I last visited Monument Valley (aside from just driving through on the highway) and I’ve long wanted to see the ruins and rock art of Mystery Valley, so I figured this would be a good opportunity to finally go on a tour while we were in the area. We arrived at the Navajo Welcome Center shortly before 8:00am to meet up with our guide and then we hopped into his vehicle and took off to spend a few hours learning about the secrets of Mystery Valley!


Rambling Around Robbers Roost VI

Friday & Saturday, October 11-12, 2024

After spending a very warm week along the Arizona Strip with Jared, it was time for me to get back out exploring parts of the Colorado Plateau that are a little bit closer to home. So even though I needed to be home on Sunday, I still wanted to get outside on Saturday and decided to head over into the Robbers Roost area to get in a little canyon hiking and exploring this weekend. I left from work on Friday afternoon, grabbed dinner in town and then headed west into Utah. After topping off my gas tank in Green River I continued driving across the San Rafael Desert until I found a place to camp not far from Hans Flats shortly before sunset. Once it was dark out I finished reading a book and went to bed early so I could get an early start in the morning to beat the afternoon heat.

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Canyon of Lodore: The Green River in Dinosaurland

Floating Across Dinosaur National Monument: Gates of Lodore to Split Mountain
Monday – Friday, September 23-27, 2024 | High CFS: 1,800 – Low CFS: 911

After finally getting the opportunity to float through Yampa Canyon at very high water last spring in Dinosaur National Monument, Jackson and I turned our attention to the Canyon of Lodore this year as we continue to work our way through more sections of the Green and Colorado Rivers on the Colorado Plateau. Although I initially had some issues getting us a permit earlier in the year, Jackson managed to come through and secured us a Low-Use Season permit for late September, which was the time of the year we had hoped to take on this trip down the Green River. While many parties seem to raft this stretch of the river in four days, we scheduled a five-day trip so we could take our time and really enjoy getting to know the canyon. After inviting our usual river friends along, we ended up with most of the same people who were with us on the Yampa River last year with just a few additions and subtractions, which would be perfect since we had such a great time together on that trip.

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