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Tag: utah

Leaving Colorado

IntrepidXpedition 2007 | Day 10
Saturday, July 28, 2007

When I woke up on that Saturday morning, I had been in Colorado for 9 full days. It was finally time to head out and move on to Utah. My destination for this day was the La Sal Mountains and Moab, Utah. I was planning on getting there via the Castleton-Gateway Road. In order to get to Gateway, I needed to cross over the passes to the Telluride side. I knew Black Bear still wasn’t opened yet, but had heard Ophir Pass was open again, so I decided to give Ophir a second chance. When I made it to the pass this time around, the road closed signs were gone, so I continued on down the other side towards the little town of Ophir.

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Pritchett Canyon

MoabCO Trip 2006
Thursday, May 4, 2006

On Thursday morning we met up early and headed for Pritchett Canyon. I had been looking forward to checking out this trail for quite a while, so I was pretty excited about it. We had a pretty large group, so it took up most of the day to get through the trail and back to Moab. Plus we ran into a few groups ahead of us that slowed us down some more. The trail was as fun as I had hoped, and I didn’t even need to winch once with my 33’s. Here’s a few photos from the day.

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Area BFE

MoabCO Trip 2006
Wednesday, May 3, 2006

On Wednesday we were originally supposed to run the Golden Spike trail, but since the trail leader’s wife hit a deer on the way down to Moab the night before we got a much later start to the day. Instead, we went and played around in Area BFE for a while. Our original goal was to run Green Day, but since none of us had really been there before we had a hard time finding it. We ended up running some of Green Day and then I played around on the entrance to Upper Helldorado for a little bit.

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