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Tag: bridal veil falls

Bridal Veil Basin: Blue Lake and the Lewis Mill

Mountains of Minerals | Friday & Saturday, August 4-5, 2023

Since I spent last weekend at the very southern end of the San Juan Mountains I decided to stay a little closer to home this weekend and hike at the northern end of the range in the headwaters of the San Miguel River. Although I usually try to avoid Telluride, there are still a number of trails surrounding the town that I would like to hike, so I figured that it’s time to start checking some of them out- beginning with a hike into Bridal Veil Basin. After spending most of the day Friday on the Grand Mesa for work, I briefly returned to the office, grabbed a quick dinner on my way out of town and then headed south into the San Juan Mountains.

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Towering Over Telluride: Ajax Peak

Friday – Saturday, September 13-14, 2019

This weekend Diane and I had another concert to go to on Saturday evening, so just like when I climbed Red Mountain #2 a few weeks ago, I decided to climb another easier peak in the San Juan Mountains on Saturday morning so that I could return home in the early afternoon. I’ve had Ajax Peak (12,785) near Telluride on my to-do list for a while, and that looked like it would be the perfect quick and easy mountain to summit this weekend. Ajax Peak may not be a very high peak by Colorado standards, but it is a prominent sight when you are in the town of Telluride, and I believe it is also a popular hike from town since there is a good trail all the way up to the summit. The peak sits along the ridge separating Ingram Basin from Savage Basin and is down below Telluride Peak (13,509), which I climbed at the end of last summer. Of course, I was not planning on climbing Ajax Peak from Telluride like most people do, instead I planned to drive over Black Bear Pass and spend the night in Ingram Basin where I would start my hike in the morning.

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Hanging Lake

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I hiked to Hanging Lake for the first time last spring, but I didn’t really take any photos that day so I’ve wanted to return again and get some better photos. Diane ended up having Tuesday off from work and has wanted to hike Hanging Lake with me, so I took the day off from work to go. The only way I will even attempt to hike this trail is with an early start during the week. I won’t even try this popular and busy trail on a weekend! We arrived at the parking lot early in the morning to beat the crowds and were only the second vehicle there.


Imogene Pass

Saturday, August 27, 2011

On Saturday, Amanda and I took a nice leisurely drive over Imogene Pass from Telluride to Ouray. We started out the day with a visit to Bridal Veil Falls for a few photos before driving over Imogene Pass. Afterwards, we stopped in Ridgway for some burgers before heading back home. It was a nice half-day trip that is close to home. Here’s a few photos from the day.

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