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Tag: book cliffs rock art

Gray Canyon and the Island in the Sky

Saturday & Sunday, August 4-5, 2012

On Saturday I met up with Jackson and his family so that we could float a section of the Green River known as the Green River Daily. This section is a few miles long and located within Gray Canyon a few miles north of the town of Green River. There aren’t really any big rapids on this stretch of the river, especially at this year’s very low water flows, so we were just expecting a nice relaxing float with a lot of swimming to stay cool. I also hoped to find some new petroglyphs along the way.

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Tusher Canyon

Book Cliffs Rock Art III | Saturday, November 26, 2011

After spending most of the day in the San Rafael Swell there was still a little daylight left, so I headed over to Tusher Canyon in the Book Cliffs to locate a few more rock art sites. Since I was running out of light I had to rush through it, but I did manage to find every site that I was looking for. I didn’t have time to do some thorough exploring of the canyon, so I will have to return again when I have more time to see what else I can find.

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Rock Art & Bubbling Springs

Saturday & Sunday, April 2-3, 2011

This weekend I was invited to go camping near Green River with some friends from the Salt Lake area, so I decided to get out and take my first camping trip of the year since it has finally started to warm up a bit. On my way to meet up with them Saturday morning, I took a quick detour into the Book Cliffs to continue searching for the pictograph I had started to look for last weekend, but had run out of time. Lucky for me, I was able to find it this time.

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