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Utah Rims: Zion Curtain Trail to Point 5482

After Work Adventures | Friday, April 19, 2024

Since I was going to be staying closer to home this weekend so Diane and I could go to a concert on Saturday night, I decided to head out after work on Friday for a late afternoon hike on part of the Zion Curtain Trail to a highpoint in the Utah Rims area just west of the state line and Rabbit Valley. After driving west into Utah on the old 6 & 50 Highway, I headed south on a narrow Jeep track to the rim of the mesa above McDonald Creek and then hiked west along the Zion Curtain Trail to Point 5482. I was hoping that the sun might peek out from behind the clouds for to add some nice light to the landscape this evening, but it stayed pretty cloudy throughout my short hike.

A view from the edge of the mesa to Point 5482 and the La Sal Mountains.

View from the Edge

Looking the other direction along the rim towards Rabbit Valley.

Rabbit Valley View

Zion Curtain Rim

Zion Curtain Rim

Zion Curtain Trail

Zion Curtain Trail

Another expansive view from the edge.

Zion Curtain View

Looking up to PT 5482

PT 5482

Before heading over to the highpoint I walked along the western rim above Bitter Creek.

Bitter Creek Rim

An overlook from the southern point of the mesa above the Kokopelli Trail.

The Point

Heading back to my Jeep on the Zion Curtain Trail.

Hiking Back

One final view from the edge.

Last Look

>> Zion Curtain Trail Photo Gallery

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