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Month: November 2014

Cedar Mesa for Thanksgiving

Thursday – Sunday, November 27-30, 2014

For Thanksgiving this year, Diane and I decided to spend a nice relaxing weekend on Cedar Mesa and we really lucked out with nice weather all weekend. The high temperatures were in the upper 50’s during the day and low temperatures only dropped into the mid-30’s at night. We had camped in colder temperatures in the mountains during the summer! The campground at Natural Bridges National Monument made a perfect base-camp for us, which also happened to be free during the winter months and was a nice surprise. Diane had prepared a nice Thanksgiving dinner that we ate next to the campfire on Thursday night. The rest of the weekend we hiked in search of ruins and rock art. We ended up visiting many ruins that I had been to a long time ago and that Diane had never been to before, which allowed me to try and get some better photos of them. We explored a few new areas, too. Enjoy the photos from our weekend!


Sieber Canyon

Saturday, November 22, 2014

I’ve known about petroglyphs hidden in Sieber Canyon for quite a few years now, but have always seemed to put off a trip in search of them, instead choosing to travel elsewhere throughout the Southwest each weekend. That seems to be the way it works with me- always wanting to travel somewhere new away from home! A few years back I even found the route down into the canyon but I didn’t have enough time go down that day. Earlier this year I tried to hike into the canyon on Easter, but I was turned around by a closed road and had to cancel those plans. Diane and I were finally able to hike into Sieber Canyon this morning and found the petroglyphs we were looking for. It was a beautiful day for hiking and we managed to get back out of the canyon before a winter storm moved through the area in the afternoon. There were some nice clouds in the sky during the morning hours and it didn’t get completely overcast until after we found the main petroglyph panel. The main panel was very cool and contains some of the best petroglyphs I have visited this close to home. Unfortunately, some of the best figures in this panel have been shot up with bullet holes.


Angel’s Landing via the West Rim Trail

Veteran’s Day | Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday was our last morning in Zion before we had to drive back home and we decided to hike to the top of Angel’s Landing before leaving. After checking out of our hotel, we drove into the park one last time and were one of the first vehicles at The Grotto trailhead. We grabbed our backpacks and started the hike to the top. Although I had my camera with me (as I always do), photography wasn’t really the main objective for this short hike on a clear day like today. I just used it to take a few snapshots along the way.

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The Narrows of the Virgin River

Fall Colors 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014

On Monday morning we woke up before sunrise again so we could get an early start on our hike into The Narrows. I wanted to get an early start in hopes that we might have the canyon to ourselves for at least a little while even if it was pretty cold out. The previous evening we had rented dry pants from Zion Adventure Company and wore neoprene socks to keep our feet and legs warm since we would be hiking through the Virgin River most of the day.

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The Subway and Left Fork of North Creek

Fall Colors 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014

On Sunday morning we were up well before sunrise and on our way up onto the Lower Kolob Plateau to the trailhead for the Left Fork of North Creek. A hike to The Subway is a popular destination in Zion National Park, especially during the fall, and even though I knew there would probably be a lot of people in the canyon (they allow 60 permits per day), I decided that I wanted to check out this iconic location on this trip. We started our hike towards the rim of the canyon just as the sun was coming up for the day. There were only a few other vehicles in the parking lot when we left, but we would come across a lot of people in the canyon throughout the day, which seemed to be a common theme during our hikes in Zion this weekend.

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