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The Back of Beyond: A Return to Eagle Park

Arches National Park | Sunday, March 16, 2025

After our last minute change of plans on Saturday morning when we decided to forgo driving into Utah and hiked in the Colorado National Monument instead, I got up early on Sunday morning and again started driving west into Utah so I could carry on with my original plans for Saturday of hiking into Eagle Park. After getting off the interstate at Thompson Springs I drove across Whipsaw Flat at sunrise to Yellow Cat Wash at the edge of Arches National Park and then spent the rest of the morning hiking a loop through the fins of Eagle Park to see what I could find.

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Monument Canyon, Wedding Canyon & Kodels Canyon

Heart of the World | Saturday, March 15, 2025

After staying home early on Saturday morning so I could try to get a permit for Desolation Canyon at 8:00am and was successful, Diane and I hopped into the Jeep and started driving west towards Utah since we initially were planning to spend the rest of the day exploring Eagle Park within Arches National Park. However, as we were speeding along I-70 between Grand Junction and Fruita the clouds from the storm that had passed through the area overnight were clearing and the view over to the Colorado National Monument was looking very nice, so we decided to change up our plans and go hike the loop in Monument Canyon and Wedding Canyon instead.

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Fruita Frontcountry: Devils Ridge & Devils Canyon

After Work Adventures | Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Now that Daylight Savings Time is officially here and it’s staying lighter longer after work I thought it would be a good idea to take advantage and get outside for a hike this afternoon. I decided to head on over to the frontcountry trails found at the mouth of Devils Canyon in the McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area near Fruita to hike the Devils Ridge Trail (D7) which I had tried to hike back in August of last year but was turned around by muddy conditions. It turned out to be a nice way to spend a couple of hours after work before heading home for the rest of the evening.

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Wolverton Canyon and the Transmission Site

Friday – Sunday, March 7-9, 2025

After backpacking into Chesler Park last weekend, I left from work on Friday afternoon to spend this weekend on the west side of the Green River around the Labyrinth Canyon Wilderness to do a little hiking and to search for a large alcove that contains a Barrier Canyon Style pictograph panel that I’ve been trying to find for a while now. I was initially planning to spend the weekend on my own, but shortly before I left from work on Friday Jared contacted me and was going to be able to join me after all, so we made last minute plans to meet up later that night at camp, although I knew I’d be fast asleep by the time he arrived- and I was. These are some photos from our weekend.

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Returning to Chesler Park: Shangri-La of The Needles

Saturday & Sunday, March 1-2, 2025

I wanted to start the month of March off right with an easy first backpacking trip of the year, mainly so I could test out some new gear I have acquired over the past few months to help lighten my load a bit (I’ve recently purchased a new backpack, quilt and shoes- among a few other odds and ends), so at the end of January I booked a campsite in Chesler Park for the first weekend in March when Diane was also available. Back about five years ago Diane and I would typically start off our backpacking season with a trip into the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park, but it’s been a while since we did that and the last time we backpacked into Chesler Park was in 2018, so we were looking forward to a return visit and hoped that the weather would cooperate with our plans. We left from home early on Saturday morning and made it to the Elephant Hill Trailhead shortly after 9:00am to begin our hike to Chesler Park.