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Tag: wind

Wolverton Canyon and the Transmission Site

Friday – Sunday, March 7-9, 2025

After backpacking into Chesler Park last weekend, I left from work on Friday afternoon to spend this weekend on the west side of the Green River around the Labyrinth Canyon Wilderness to do a little hiking and to search for a large alcove that contains a Barrier Canyon Style pictograph panel that I’ve been trying to find for a while now. I was initially planning to spend the weekend on my own, but shortly before I left from work on Friday Jared contacted me and was going to be able to join me after all, so we made last minute plans to meet up later that night at camp, although I knew I’d be fast asleep by the time he arrived- and I was. These are some photos from our weekend.

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Short Walks from Rim Rock Drive

Heart of the World | Wednesday, February 26, 2025

When I left from work this afternoon the clouds over the Grand Valley were looking nice so I made a last minute decision to head up into the Colorado National Monument so I could take some photos from the overlooks and continue working on my Heart of the World project. After driving to Fruita I looped back to Grand Junction via Rim Rock Drive through the park and went for a few walks on short trails from the road including Otto’s Trail, the Coke Ovens Trail and the Ute Garden Interpretive Trail. It was a nice way to spend a couple hours after work as the days continue to get longer.

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Tapamveni: Rock Art of the Petrified Forest & Beyond

Presidents Day Weekend | Thursday – Monday, February 13-17, 2025

This year for the extended Presidents Day weekend I took an extra day off from work so I could spend four days in and around Petrified Forest National Park hiking and searching for petroglyphs. As I was driving across the Navajo Nation through a storm on Thursday evening I was a little bit worried that the rain would muddy up the roads I needed to drive and alter my plans, but I lucked out and all the roads were somehow completely dry during the remainder of the weekend. The only weather I would only have to deal with was a constant and brutal wind on Friday that made holding my binoculars and camera steady a real challenge at times. Aside from hiking to new places and finding many new petroglyphs along the way, I also revisited a couple of sites that I wanted to search more thoroughly. These are some photos from my holiday weekend in the Palavayu.


Third Flats: Twist-N-Shout & Rocky Stumble

After Work Adventures | Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Since we’ve had a bit of a warm spell this week with temperatures reaching into the mid and upper 60’s I thought this would be a good day to head out on my first local hike after work of the year. After leaving work I drove up to the Third Flats Road in the Bangs Canyon Recreation Area to hike a loop consisting of the Nut-N-2-It, Twist-N-Shout and Rocky Stumble trails with a little detour onto the Short Shot trail. Once I reached the end of Rocky Stumble I followed the Third Flats Road back to my Jeep to make a nice little four mile loop. I’m looking forward to more After Work Adventures this year as the days continue to get longer. Here are a few photos from the short hike.

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Canyons of the San Rafael Reef II

Rock Art of the San Rafael Swell XX | Saturday & Sunday, January 11-12, 2025

It’s been a few years since I spent any time exploring the canyons of the San Rafael Reef and I’ve been feeling the need to get back this winter, so I left home early on Saturday morning, drove west into Utah, and then spent the entire weekend on the Reef. Not only did I hike and explore a few unnamed canyons that have carved their way into the Reef within the San Rafael Reef Wilderness which were completely new to me, but I also revisited a few places that I hadn’t been back to in almost fifteen years, so it was nice mix of old and new. Of course, I also saw plenty of rock art throughout the weekend, too. These are some photos from my weekend on the San Rafael Reef.

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