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Tag: rasmussen cave

Five Years Later: Nine Mile Canyon 2023

Saturday & Sunday, December 9-10, 2023

Diane hasn’t been able to join me on a weekend trip for a little while now, so when she got her schedule a few months back and saw that she had this weekend off we made plans to spend some time in one of our favorite places that for some reason we had not been back to in quite a while. It’s hard for me to believe, but it’s been over five years (has it really been that long!?) since the last time Diane and I spent any time exploring Nine Mile Canyon together and we were definitely overdue for a return visit! We left home early on Saturday morning, drove to Wellington and then spent the remainder of the weekend searching for Rock Art in and around the canyon. We revisited some sites we have been to before, but we also found plenty of new stuff along the way, too. Here are some photos of what we saw this weekend…


Black Friday in Nine Mile Canyon

Black Friday | Friday, November 25, 2011

I wanted to get back to Nine Mile Canyon one more time before the year was over, so I figured that Black Friday would be the perfect time. Instead of getting up early to try and score a deal at a big box store, I was up early and on my way to Wellington and then into Nine Mile Canyon. As I drove into the canyon I found that part of the road was under construction. Luckily no one was working today, so I did not encounter and delays this time.

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Nine Mile Canyon

Saturday & Sunday, May 14-15, 2011

I’ve wanted to get back to Nine Mile Canyon for quite a while. The last time I was there was in 2007 and I kind of rushed through the canyon on my way elsewhere, so I missed a lot. I had wanted to go to Nine Mile Canyon back in November or December, but the weather prevented me from doing so. Then I planned on going in March, but that never worked out either. Finally, this weekend Amanda and I were able to spend the weekend there searching out many panels of rock art.