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Tag: moab area rock art

Stearns Wash Petroglyphs

Moab Area Rock Art X | Sunday, May 29, 2011

On my way home from the Comb Ridge area I decided to make an unplanned stop and hike up Stearns Wash in search of some petroglyphs. I had read that there were petroglyphs somewhere along Stearns Wash but I had no idea where. I figured I would just hike up the wash and would hopefully find them. Luckily, early in my hike I picked out a spot ahead of me that I thought looked like it might be a good place to search. Once I found the way there I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had chosen well.

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Dark Angel Petroglyphs

Moab Area Rock Art VIII | Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday, the plan was to head to Arches for the day and hike the Devils Garden primitive loop. Afterwords we were hoping to stock around and get some photos of the Super Moon rising in the evening. Unfortunately, the sky was cloudy and overcast the entire day and it was pretty windy. We ended up hiking the loop and finding the petroglyphs near Dark Angel, but when we were done we drove back into town for some dinner and headed home instead of waiting for the moon to rise. It was a good choice since the moon never did make an appearance.

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Finding the Solstice Snake

Moab Area Rock Art VII | Sunday, March 6, 2011

On Sunday I met my friend Marty who was going to hike with me to find the Solstice Snake petroglyph. I have been searching for this particular petroglyph for a while and was hoping to find it before this year’s solstice. Marty had visited this petroglyph about 14 years ago and wanted to return. He had a general idea of where it was located, but not an exact location. Luckily, his general location was close enough for us to eventually find it, even after going the wrong way and having to scramble around on many scree slopes. That extra scrambling and searching added an extra 2-3 miles to our hike for a total of 9.75 miles round trip. Even with the extra hiking, it was a great adventure and we had fun searching the area.


Yellow Comet Alcove

Moab Area Rock Art VI | Saturday, March 5, 2011

On Saturday, Jackson and I headed back to the Moab area to hike to the Yellow Comet pictographs. After researching a route to reach them, I found that there were two different ways down into the canyon. The closest route to the pictographs is supposed to be difficult to find if you don’t already know where it is, plus there is supposed to be a very tricky section that I didn’t like the sound of. Luckily, I managed to find another way down into the canyon, but the hike in the canyon would be about 6 miles longer. A few weeks back I stopped by the area to see if I could find this alternate route down and did manage to find it. I parked the Jeep as close as I could to the route down and we set off on our hike.