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Tag: moab area rock art

Lunar Eclipse, Sand Flats & Mill Creek

Moab Area Rock Art XV | Saturday, December 10, 2011

I left my house early on Saturday morning so I could photograph the lunar eclipse just before the sunrise. I didn’t plan on going to any specific location, so I figured that I would stop somewhere between Grand Junction and Moab, since I was headed back to Moab again to search for rock art with Marty. As I drove west on I-70 I was able to watch the eclipse as the earths shadow grew larger on the full moon. When I reached the Yellow Cat exit I decided to get off the highway and take a side road to find a place to take some photos. It was pretty cold out this morning and my hands were freezing. I tried to keep my gloves on as much as possible, but kept having to remove them to change the settings on my camera.

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The Blue Buffalo & The Owl

Moab Area Rock Art XIII | Saturday, November 19, 2011

On Saturday I met up with my friend Marty near Moab so that we could revisit a few rock art sites and maybe find some new ones. We met up at the Courthouse Wash trailhead so that I could get some new photos of the Courthouse Wash Panel. The last time I was here it was sunny and the direct sunlight really washed out the pictographs. Since we were there early in the morning this time, everything was still in the shadows.


The Solstice Snake & Summer Solstice Rock Art

Moab Area Rock Art XI | Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I’ve been anticipating the Summer Solstice for much of the year so that I could visit the Solstice Snake petroglyph. For about two minutes on the Summer Solstice a dagger of light shaped like an arrowhead appears on the head of this very large and well executed petroglyph of a snake. I wanted to be there to get a photo of the sun interaction and am glad that the weather cooperated. It was an amazing experience!

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