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Tag: eightmile road

Exploring Desert Stone: East Canyon to Harts Draw

Tracing the Historic Route of the 1859 Macomb Expedition, Part I
Friday – Sunday, November 4-6, 2022

After being sick and stuck at home over the past two weekends I was really ready to get back outdoors again this weekend! Since I haven’t done much hiking in a couple of weeks I wanted to take it easy this weekend and thought this would be a good opportunity for me to finally start on a project that I have been thinking about doing for over a decade. That project would be to follow part of the historic route of the 1859 Macomb Expedition into the Canyonlands region. Members of a small detachment from this expedition were quite possibly the first non-native Americans to view and describe what is now Canyonlands National Park and leave written and graphic records of what they saw.


Canyon Rims Overlooks

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our original plan was to head to Moab for a day trip on Saturday, but because of the wet and cold weather, we pushed it back until Sunday. We got an early start and headed south of town past La Sal Junction and took a right onto Looking Glass Road. There was still plenty of snow on the ground from the storm the previous day, so many of the roads we traveled were slick and muddy in spots.

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