Saturday, March 26, 2011
On Saturday, Jackson and I headed into Utah so that I could check on a geocache I hid last summer. After checking on the cache, we hiked around the rim of the canyon nearby.
After some more hiking around and on Jug Rock, we headed north to the Book Cliffs in search of some petroglyphs….specifically The Butterfly, or bat, petroglyph. I had an idea on where it was located, but not an exact location. We searched the area for a little bit and managed to find it.
After finding The Butterfly, we searched the nearby boulders and found a bunch of other petroglyphs.
There was a small crack between two large boulders that I squeezed into, and inside there were a bunch of petroglyphs…
Another look at a boulder with many petroglyphs on it….
When we were done searching the area I took Jackson over to the Sego Rock Art Site, since he had never been there. I’ve been here numerous times before, but not since I got my new camera, so I took a few photos while we were there.
We searched the area and managed to find a petroglyph of a sheep I had not seen before.
Fremont petroglyphs over faint Barrier Canyon Style pictographs. Look closely above the petroglyphs…
We had plans to find some more pictographs, and I headed to the area they were supposed to be in…..unfortunately, I took the long way and by the time we got there we had run out of time and had to head home. I know I will be returning to the Book Cliffs in search of more rock art this year 🙂