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San Rafael Swell Rock Art I

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The weekend after getting back from my week in The Maze and on Cedar Mesa I was ready to head back out and search for some rock art. This time Amanda and I headed back to the San Rafael Swell so that we could attempt to visit the Ascending Sheep Panel and the Ferron Box. Back in March Dave and I had attempted to get to the Ascending Sheep Panel, but the snow we got that day slowed us down and we ran out of time after spending most of the day in Short Canyon. This time we also got snowed on in the morning, but not enough to slow us down too much, just enough to get my Jeep dirty and our shoes muddy.


The Juggler
The Juggler

Our first stop was at The Juggler. Unfortunately, it was still snowing a bit when we were here and the ground was pretty muddy… was that bentonite clay that sticks to your shoes and eventually dries like cement. I hate that stuff!


Small Snake
Small Snake

A small snake petroglyph near the large snake petroglyph at the base of the Molen Reef.


Molen Snake
Molen Snake

Face to face with the large snake.


Slithering Away
Slithering Away

The Molen Reef Snake Petroglyph slithering away


Ascending Sheep
Ascending Sheep

This is an amazing pictograph panel! It’s not very big, but the details are just stunning! The main figure is anthropomorphic, but has a bighorn sheep’s head with a snake’s tongue and what looks like a bird’s feet. It’s also holding a bird-like figure on it’s outstretched hand. Not to mention all of the small bighorn sheep in this panel.


Rainbow Panel
Rainbow Panel

Besides the Ascending Sheep Panel, this was the other main pictograph panel that I wanted to visit on this trip. It’s a very cool pictograph and petroglyph (pictoglyph) panel along Ferron Creek. Unfortunately, at some point in the past someone ruined the left side of the panel with plaster…


Ferron Line Up
Ferron Line Up

A line up of small anthropomorphic pictographs high above. They remind me of the small clay Fremont figurines that have been found.


Line of Spirits
Line of Spirits

A closer look at the pictographs from above.


Red & Black Snake
Red & Black Snake

A red and black snake-like pictograph located along Ferron Creek.


Feet of Sinbad
Feet of Sinbad

A pictograph panel located at the Head of Sinbad. The top part of this panel hasn’t survived.


Barely Visible
Barely Visible

To the left of the Feet of Sinbad are a few faint pictographs, including this anthropomorph.


Typical Shaman
Typical Shaman

Just the ‘typical’ photo of these pictographs at the Head of Sinbad through the tree in front. Figured I might as well have a shot through the tree in my collection. 😉


Skeleton Shaman
Skeleton Shaman

Here’s my take on the Skeleton Shaman at the Head of Sinbad.



A very detailed panel at the Head of Sinbad. It looks like the anthropomorph has a copyright symbol on it’s chest.


The Snake and the Clock
The Snake and the Clock

A closer look that the snake and the circle (that looks like a clock) above the Skeleton Shaman.



Just a closer look at one of the interesting figures of the Head of Sinbad pictographs.


Lone Warrior in the Rocks
Lone Warrior in the Rocks

Before heading home we made a quick stop at the Lone Warrior pictograph.


We had a great day exploring some new rock art panels and revisiting some others, and I’m looking forward to heading back to the San Rafael Swell in search of some more!

Published on May 11, 2011