Sunday, November 21, 2010
On Sunday morning we slept in a little later than the previous day. The weather reports had indicated that there would be snow overnight so we were expecting to wake up and find the ground covered, but when I looked out the window there was none. Still, the weather wasn’t the greatest; it was windy and raining off and on. Despite the weather we loaded up the Jeep and headed towards Comb Ridge.
When we reached the trailhead to the Procession Petroglyph Panel, Amanda decided that she wasn’t up for hiking in the wind, sleet and rain, so I headed off on my own while she waited in the Jeep.
The Procession Panel

View from the panel over Comb Ridge

After I made it back to the Jeep we headed through Comb Ridge and made our way south to the San Juan River. Last year when we stopped by the River House Ruins, we did not continue on to the Butler Wash petroglyph panel, so we made our way there.
Butler Wash Petroglyph Panel

There were a ton of petroglyphs all along this section of the cliff, but most of them were pretty badly eroded. Still, it was cool to walk along the cliff and spot them all.
Of course we stopped at the River House (Snake House) ruin again on our way back.


T-shaped door

After spending some time at the River House we headed back to the pavement and started on our way home. Before reaching Moab, we made the short detour to Newspaper Rock again, since the lighting was bad when I stopped by last month.
Newspaper Rock

After lunch in Moab we continued on our way home. I stopped for a quick picture of Updraft Arch along the Colorado River.

As we approached the Fisher Tower they were hidden in some fog…

Somehow we managed to avoid the bad weather throughout the weekend and had a great time exploring southern Utah….as usual 😉