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Nine Mile Canyon | Set 5

May 14-15, 2011

Here’s the final set of photos I am going to post from our trip through Nine Mile Canyon. Make sure to check out Sets 1, 2, 3 & 4!

Patty-Cake Sheep Panel
Patty-Cake Sheep Panel

Here’s a cool panel we found on Sunday morning….look for the two bighorn sheep figures sitting and facing each other that look like they are playing patty-cake.


Rainbow Panel
Rainbow Panel

This panel with a large rainbow-like figure is just to the left of the one pictured above.


Horned Serpent
Horned Serpent

One of the more unique horned-snake figures we found all weekend.


Faint Green Elk
Faint Green Elk

Two faint pictographs near Daddy Canyon, including what appears to be a green or blue elk on the right.


Fallen Panel
Fallen Panel

A few petroglyphs on a slab of sandstone that has fallen.


Yellow Man
Yellow Man

An anthropomorph pictograph in yellow.


Painted Petroglyphs
Painted Petroglyphs

A wider view of the panel that includes the Yellow Man. There are plenty more pictographs here and a few of the petroglyphs that are here are filled in with paint.


Pregnant Buffalo
Pregnant Buffalo

A closeup of the Pregnant Buffalo petroglyph.


High Pictographs
High Pictographs

A faint white shield-like figure located high above on a canyon wall.


I can’t wait to head back to Nine Mile Canyon and search for some more rock art….hopefully sometime later this year 🙂

Published on June 1, 2011