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Nine Mile Canyon | Set 4

May 14-15, 2011

The continuation from Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 of my Nine Mile Canyon rock art photos…

Four Legs Panel
Four Legs Panel

The figure in the upper right hand corner appears to have 4 legs!


Fading Snake
Fading Snake

Amanda spotted this fading white snake along the way.


Wavy Line
Wavy Line

A small panel with a wavy line through it.


Spirals & Snakes
Spirals & Snakes


Spiral Horned-Snake
Spiral Horned-Snake

One of my favorite horned snakes that we came across this weekend.


Family Panel
Family Panel

The Family Panel, another well known site in Nine Mile.


Devils Playground Sheep
Devils Playground Sheep

A high panel up in Devils Canyon near the remains of a granary. The large big horn sheep and elk on the left are pretty cool.


Triangle Men
Triangle Men

A number of anthropomorphic figures with triangle-shaped torsos.


Basketmaker Panel
Basketmaker Panel

Some experts consider the large figure in this panel to be a ‘Basketmaker’ figure.


Franks Circles
Franks Circles

The last site we visited near the mouth of North Franks Canyon on Saturday before turning around and heading back to camp for a late dinner….it was starting to get pretty dark out at the last few panels we visited…


Stay tuned for one more set of photos taken on Sunday before we headed home.

Published on May 31, 2011