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Moab Area Rock Art XII

September 17-18, 2011

This past weekend I met up with Jim from the Rock Art group on Flickr since he was spending a week or two in Moab. Of course we went out and visited some rock art sites that he had not been to before, and he even brought me to a few sites that I had missed before.


Wrong Way!
Wrong Way!

Jim takes a photo in the wrong direction as he stands next to the Lonesome Shaman.


Antler Men
Antler Men

I’ve visited this faint pictograph panel with figures that appear to be wearing antlers before, but don’t think I have ever posted a photo… here you go…


Strange Creature
Strange Creature

Somehow I managed to miss this petroglyph a few times in the past when I visited the Supplication Panel….probably because I never tried to actually get up near the panel.


Jim at the Supplication Panel
Jim at the Supplication Panel

Jim admires the Supplication Panel up close.


Missing Detail
Missing Detail

We made a stop at the Bartlett Panel pictographs. This figure was probably very impressive before it weathered away.


Moab Cutouts
Moab Cutouts

A line of small anthropomorphs high above the Colorado River.


Two Heads Are Better Than One
Two Heads Are Better Than One

One sheep with two heads. There’s a few unique sheep petroglyphs in the area.


Moab Mastodon
Moab Mastodon

We also made a stop by the Moab Mastodon.


Fin Sunset
Fin Sunset

The sunlight from the setting sun reflects off of some fins in the Behind the Rocks wilderness.


Birdcage & Friends
Birdcage & Friends

A large anthropomorph that resembles a birdcage (or R2D2) and a couple of other unique figures.


Birdcage Alcove
Birdcage Alcove

A closer look at two prominent figures of the Birdcage Panel situated in a large alcove.


Rock Art Shirt
Rock Art Shirt

Jim showing off his rock art shirt while taking a photo of some pictographs.


Jim at the Birdcage
Jim at the Birdcage

Jim and the Birdcage Panel for a little scale.


Anticline Overlook
Anticline Overlook

Expansive view from the Anticline Overlook looking down on Hurrah Pass and towards Moab and The Portal.


Highway 128
Highway 128

I decided to stop and take this photo on the way home….I seem to drive this stretch of road almost weekly so I rarely stop for photos anymore.


Jeep & Fisher Towers
Jeep & Fisher Towers

My Jeep, the Fisher Towers and La Sal Mountains.


Published on September 21, 2011