Sunday, March 20, 2011
On Sunday I headed back to Moab and met up with Marty again. This time we spent a few hours hiking around Mill Creek Canyon and searching for more rock art. Marty showed me the petroglyphs he had found previously, but we also managed to find a number of new ones, too.
This was the first rock art we came across on the hike, and the only pictograph we would find all day.
This was one of the better preserved and interesting panels we came across all day. The larger figure on top appears to have four arms.
Can you find the sheep in this photo? The varnish they are carved into is disappearing.
Looking up at a patch of desert varnish that contains an anthropomorph and a spiral.
A petroglyph of a hand on a boulder.
One of the larger panels featuring a large elk with a big rack and a number of bighorn sheep.
A line of small stick-figures holding hands.
This panel has three caterpillar-like figures.
Looking up at a lone anthropomorph with outstretched arms.
This large petroglyph panel was on the opposite side of the canyon.
Small water falls in Mill Creek.
It was another great day searching out rock art 🙂
Check out my other posts in the Moab Area Rock Art Series:
Moab Area Rock Art I | Colorado River Gorge / Golf Course / Kane Creek
Moab Area Rock Art II | Kane Creek Canyon & Potash Road
Moab Area Rock Art III | Mill Creek Canyon / Kane Creek / Bartlett Panel
Moab Area Rock Art IV | The Secret Grotto & More
Moab Area Rock Art V | Hidden Valley & Behind the Rocks
Moab Area Rock Art VI | Yellow Comet Alcove
Moab Area Rock Art VII | Solstice Snake
Moab Area Rock Art VIII | Dark Angel Petroglyphs
Moab Area Rock Art IX | Mill Creek Canyon