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Moab Area Rock Art III

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Mill Creek Canyon / Kane Creek Canyon / Bartlett Panel

On Sunday I headed back to Moab to search out some rock art in Mill Creek Canyon. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to hike up canyon as far as I had hoped, but I did manage to get to these boulders covered in petroglyphs.

Mill Creek Boulders
Mill Creek Boulders

Eagle Men & Footprints
Eagle Men & Footprints

On the Ground
On the Ground

Hexapus Panel
Hexapus Panel

Mill Creek Shaman
Mill Creek Shaman

Since I wasn’t able to get any further up Mill Creek I headed back and grabbed some lunch in town. Then I made my way back to Kane Creek Canyon to take a few more photos.



Button Petroglyph
Button Petroglyph

Kane Creek Bighorn
Kane Creek Bighorn

After leaving Kane Creek I made my way over to the Bartlett Pictograph Panel.

Looking Up
Looking Up

After scouting out an area that I plan to explore once the snow melts for good, I headed back home.


Check out my other posts in the Moab Area Rock Art Series:

Moab Area Rock Art I | Colorado River Gorge / Golf Course / Kane Creek
Moab Area Rock Art II | Kane Creek Canyon & Potash Road
Moab Area Rock Art III | Mill Creek Canyon / Kane Creek / Bartlett Panel
Moab Area Rock Art IV | The Secret Grotto & More
Moab Area Rock Art V | Hidden Valley & Behind the Rocks
Moab Area Rock Art VI | Yellow Comet Alcove
Moab Area Rock Art VII | Solstice Snake
Moab Area Rock Art VIII | Dark Angel Petroglyphs
Moab Area Rock Art IX | Mill Creek Canyon

Published on February 3, 2011