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Imogene Pass

Saturday, August 27, 2011

When I chose my photo for the month of August earlier this week, I realized that I never posted a trip report from our day driving over Imogene Pass. Even though it really wasn’t much of a ‘trip’ I did take a couple of photos on our nice leisurely drive over Imogene Pass from Telluride to Ouray. We started out the day at Bridal Veil Falls for a few photos before driving over the pass. Afterwards we stopped in Ridgway for some burgers before heading back home. Here’s just a few photos from the day.


Bridal Veil Falls
Bridal Veil Falls

I’ve driven by these falls a number of times but never stopped and hiked up to them. That changed on this trip.


Bridal Veil Pool
Bridal Veil Pool

The main fall kept moving with the wind, so every second it seems the waterfall looked different. It was pretty cool to watch.


Distant Storm
Distant Storm

A storm off in the distance viewed from up in the Savage Basin.


Jeep at 13114
Jeep at 13114

Imogene Pass….this might be the first time I have been up there with no snow or rain falling, even though it looked like it might start at any moment.


Top of the Pass
Top of the Pass

One more of my Jeep at the pass.


Richmond Falls
Richmond Falls

A great waterfall we visited on our way down to Telluride. The overcast sky made perfect conditions to get some longer exposures.


Published on September 16, 2011