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2010: My Favorite Photos | Part 3

I started this tradition last year with my 2009 Favorite Photos, so I am going to continue with my favorite photos from this year. Just like last year, I explored a lot of new places and revisited some old ones. It was a lot of fun, and I’m already day-dreaming about my 2011 adventures! Sit back and enjoy my favorite photos of 2010!

Since I took so many photos this year and I want to give a nice full overview of the year, I have a bunch of photos I would like to post. I am going to split this post up into three parts so that I don’t overload you all at once. You can click on each photo and it will bring you to that photo’s flickr page which has a little description of the image as well as bigger sizes.

Click here to see Part 1
Click here to see Part 2


Sagers Flat
Sagers Flat

Horseshoe Gallery
Horseshoe Gallery

Horseshoe Gallery Up-Close
Horseshoe Gallery Up-Close

The Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost

Flying Away
Flying Away

Rochester Petroglyphs
Rochester Petroglyphs

Head of Sinbad Pictographs
Head of Sinbad Pictographs


Moab Man
Moab Man

Fallen Roof
Fallen Roof

Collapsed Roof
Collapsed Roof

Open Door Ruin
Open Door Ruin

Doll House
Doll House

Procession Panel
Procession Panel

Butler Wash Petroglyphs
Butler Wash Petroglyphs

Newspaper Rock
Newspaper Rock

Headless Snake Man
Headless Snake Man

Vicious Snake
Vicious Snake

Wild Horse Canyon Narrows
Wild Horse Canyon Narrows

Snake-in-Mouth Pictographs
Snake-in-Mouth Pictographs

Tafoni Fishman
Tafoni Fishman

Owl Panel
Owl Panel

Arms Up
Arms Up


Sandstone Abstract
Sandstone Abstract

Confluence Ranch Sunrise
Confluence Ranch Sunrise

Expanded Sheep
Expanded Sheep

Moab Maiden
Moab Maiden

As you can tell, it was a GREAT year!

Published on December 30, 2010