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Category: Exploring

Grand Junction Exploring

IntrepidXpedition 2007 | Day 7 & 8
Wednesday & Thursday, July 25-26, 2007

Most of my day on Wednesday was spent at the UFWDA Annual Convention. However when we finished for the day, the only thing on my mind was heading out and exploring the area just outside of town. Right near the hotel that the convention was held at is an OHV area at the base of the Book Cliffs called The Grand Junction Desert. I started out by following 27.25 Road north. Eventually the pavement turned to gravel and then to a bumpier trail.

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Silverton to Grand Junction

IntrepidXpedition 2007 | Day 6
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

On Tuesday, I had to start making my way to Grand Junction to attend the annual UFWDA Conference, but I didn’t have to arrive until later in the evening, so I had a bit of time to do some exploring before heading out. I woke up super early again to get squeeze as much exploring in during the daylight that I could. My plan was to take Ophir Pass over to Telluride and then to take Imogene Pass back to Ouray before heading north. Unfortunately, because of the storms I mentioned from the previous night, my plans would soon change.

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