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The Zirkel Circle in the Mount Zirkel Wilderness

Friday – Saturday, September 20-21, 2024

This weekend I headed up into the Mount Zirkel Wilderness of the Park Range for what will most likely be my last trip into the mountains of the season. Since I’m leaving for a week-long river trip early on Monday morning and need to finish prepping and packing for that, I was hoping to stay closer to home on Saturday by heading up into either the San Juan Mountains or The Flat Tops, but the weather forecast was not looking good for any of the ranges nearby this weekend, so I had to start looking for alternate options. After looking at the forecasts for other areas throughout Colorado and Utah, the only place that looked like it might have decent weather on Saturday was the Park Range, so I decided to drive a little further east so I could hike the Zirkel Circle, which has been on my to-do list for a long time anyways. I left from work on Friday afternoon, grabbed a quick dinner in Rifle and then headed north where I started following the Yampa River and Elk River into the heart of the Park Range. I found a campsite on the ridge above the South Fork of the Elk River shortly before sunset and then went for a short walk until dusk.

After finding a campsite along the South Fork Road, I went for a walk down the road to see if there were any openings with views.

South Fork Road

This was the best view I was able to find, so I turned my attention to the changing colors along the road instead.

Road View

Early fall colors along the South Fork of the Elk River.

Aspen Trunks
South Fork Color

I returned to camp at dusk, read for a little while, and then went to bed early.

South Fork Camp

On Saturday morning I got up early, drove down to the Slavonia Trailhead, and started hiking into the darkness about an hour before sunrise.

Into the Dark

Entering the Mount Zirkel Wilderness by the light of my headlamp.

Mount Zirkel Wilderness Sign by Headlamp

I passed by Gold Creek Lake just after sunrise.

Gold Creek Lake

The colors along the trail were looking good after passing the junction with the Wyoming Trail.

Gold Lake Trail

A few clouds appeared in the sky briefly as I followed the trail up and over the Front Range, but they didn’t stick around for very long.

Trail to the Pass

Front Range Trail

Front Range Trail

Front Range

Looking back over Gold Creek as I neared the pass.

Front Range View

Front Range Pass

Front Range Pass

On the other side of the pass I had a great view over Gilpin Lake.

Gilpin Lake

Big Agnes Mountain is just barely visible over the lake.

Big Agnes Mountain

Just off to the left is Little Agnes Mountain.

Little Agnes Mountain

I followed the trail down to the shore of Gilpin Lake.

Descending the Gilpin Lake Trail

I liked how the trail met and followed this tall rocky cliff.

Trail to the Wall

Hiking around Gilpin Lake.

Around the Lake

I even caught the moon above the lake.

Gilpin Lake & Moon

When I reached the shore of Gilpin Lake I stopped to rest and take in the views.

Down by the Lake

Lake View


Gilpin Lake Reflection

Gilpin Lake Reflection

After my break next to the lake, I continued on down the Gilpin Creek Trail to complete the loop.

Leaving Gilpin Lake

Peak View

Mount Zirkel, which is the highest peak in the Park Range, was just visible to the north.

Mount Zirkel

Gilpin Trail View

Gilpin Trail View

Leaving the Mount Zirkel Wilderness.

Mount Zirkel Wilderness Sign

There were some nicer fall colors beginning along the lower portion of the trail when I passed by this beaver lodge in Gilpin Creek.

Gilpin Creek Beaver Lodge

Since I got an early start, I didn’t see anyone on the trail until I was up near the pass and around Gilpin Lake, but there were only a few people around. Once I was hiking down the final two miles of the loop I started seeing a lot more people coming up the trail, so I was glad to have started as early as I did. By the time I returned to the trailhead at 11:30am I had hiked about 12 miles with 2,600 feet of elevation gain.

>> The Zirkel Circle Photo Gallery

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