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The Elk Mountains: Geneva Lake to Siberia Lake

Maroon Bells – Snowmass Wilderness | Saturday & Sunday, July 27-28, 2024

Last year Diane and I had a permit and planned to spend a weekend camping at Geneva Lake in the Maroon Bells – Snowmass Wilderness, but after we had driven most of the way to the trailhead we were turned around by a very slick and muddy road and the weather forecast for the rest of the weekend wasn’t looking too good, so we decided to call it a weekend and headed back home instead. I decided to give the same trip a try this summer and grabbed another camping permit for Geneva Lake, but this time Diane was out of town so I invited my friend Jackson to come along with me. I picked up Jackson early on Saturday morning and we drove around the Grand Mesa, over McClure Pass and then followed the Crystal River up to the trailhead in Lead King Basin where we shouldered our packs and started hiking up the trail to Geneva Lake.

Arriving at the Geneva Lake Trailhead.

National Forest Trailhead Sign

There was a nice view from the trailhead as we made sure we had everything we needed in our packs for the weekend.

Trailhead View

Starting our hike among the wilting wildflowers of the Geneva Lake Trail.

Geneva Lake Trail

Welcome to the Maroon Bells – Snowmass Wilderness.

Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness Sign

Looking back from the trail to Treasure Mountain.

Looking Back

Although it’s a pretty short distance to Geneva Lake, this hike wore me down pretty quickly. I’m not sure if it was because of the warm and humid temperature today or because of the steepness of the trail, but I was exhausted by the time we found a campsite. There were also a ton of flies buzzing around that were very annoying.

Going Up

Geneva Lake & Snowmass Mountain

Geneva Lake & Snowmass Mountain

When we first arrived at our campsite, this lazy little marmot was hanging around and watching us.

Lazy Marmot

After resting for a while at our campsite we hiked a little further up into the basin which offered nice views of Snowmass Mountain and Hagerman Peak.

Snowmass Mountain & Hagerman Peak

Following the trail to Little Gem Lake.

Little Gem Lake Trail

Little Gem Lake

Little Gem Lake

We hiked a little further beyond Little Gem Lake, but didn’t make it all the way to Siberia Lake this afternoon because our legs were pretty tired.

Hills & Mountains

Jackson on the trail to Siberia Lake.

Jackson on the Siberia Lake Trail

This was the view from our turnaround point.

Siberia Lake Trail View

Headed back down to camp…

Along the Rocks

Basin View

Geneva Lake Basin

Our home for the night.

Geneva Lake Campsite

We had a good view of the S-Ridge on Snowmass Mountain from our campsite.


After having dinner we wandered down to Geneva Lake before sunset.

Hagerman Peak

Geneva Lake Reflection

Geneva Lake Reflection

The last light on Snowmass Mountain before I retired to my tent to get away from the hordes of mosquitoes and to get to bed early.

Snowmass Mountain Evening

On Sunday morning we were up early and hiking past Little Gem Lake shortly after sunrise on our way to Siberia Lake.

Siberia Peak Reflection

After a good night of rest our legs were in much better shape and we had no problems reaching Siberia Lake.

Siberia Lake Overlook

Siberia Lake Reflection

Siberia Lake

Siberia Lake Reflection

After wandering around the edges of the lake for a while, we eventually started our hike back down to camp.

Rock Ridge

Little Gem Lake Reflection

Little Gem Lake Reflection

Hiking back down the trail to our campsite.

Trail Descent

Basin Light

After packing up camp we finished the rest of the hike back down to my Jeep and then headed home.

Hiking Down

Flowers & Falls

Flowers & Falls

>> Geneva Lake to Siberia Lake Photo Gallery

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