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Jurassic National Monument

Cleveland – Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry | Friday, May 3, 2024

This weekend Diane and I headed up to Salt Lake City so we could attend a pair of concerts put on by Imminence & The Amity Affliction, which are a couple of our favorite bands that we’ve been looking forward to seeing. Of course, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get in a little hiking along the way to break up the drive to the big city, so we took a detour off the highway to spend a couple hours visiting the Cleveland – Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry at Jurassic National Monument, which is well known for containing the densest concentration of Jurassic dinosaur fossils ever found. Jurassic National Monument is a relatively new designation as it officially came into existence back in 2019 with the signing of the John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act, which also created a number of Wilderness Areas around the San Rafael Swell. I’ve been meaning to make my way over to this area for a long time, so I was glad to have finally made it!

Welcome to Jurassic Park…I mean Jurassic National Monument.

Jurassic National Monument Sign

We arrived just as the park opened for the day and made our way over to the Quarry and hiking trails.

Quarry Trails

The Dinosaur Quarry Buildings

Quarry Buildings

Inside the Quarry

Inside the Quarry

Dinosaur Bones

Allosaur Teeth Marks

After checking out the quarry we hiked the Rock Walk loop trail.

Rock Walk Trail

Jurassic National Monument Views

Jurassic National Monument

Rock Walk

After completing the Rock Walk Trail we hiked up to Raptor Point.

Raptor Point Trail

Raptor Point Trail View

Diane at Raptor Point

Raptor Point

After enjoying the views from Raptor Point, Diane headed back down the trail while I quickly hiked out and back along the Rim Walk Trail so I could complete hiking all of the trails in the park today. There was a strong cold wind blowing the entire way and it was pretty chilly out when the sun was hidden behind the clouds, which it was for most of the hike.

Rim Walk Trail

It looked like it was snowing or raining over Huntington Canyon and the Wasatch Plateau to the west.

Wasatch Plateau Storms

Views over the badlands of Jurassic National Monument from the Rim Walk.

Rim Walk View

Jurassic National Monument Badlands

Rim Walk Trail

Rim Walk

Headed back down to the quarry.

Headed Back Down

I stopped to check out a few of the sights along the path on the way back to the Visitor Center.

On The Ground


Skull Boulder

After meeting back up with Diane we went for a walk through the Visitor Center, which contains a skeleton reconstruction of an adult Allosaurus, and then continued our drive to Salt Lake City.

>> Jurassic National Monument Photo Gallery

One Comment

  1. Michelle Dickson
    Michelle Dickson May 29, 2024

    This spot has been on my radar for decades but I haven’t been yet. Thanks for sharing!

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