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Month: April 2011

Sheiks Canyon & The Green Mask

The Maze and the Mesa | Day 5
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We were up before sunrise on Wednesday for a quick breakfast so that we could squeeze in a quick hike down into Sheiks Canyon before Dave would have to head back home. First up in Sheiks Canyon was the Yellow House Ruin. The roof beams over part of this ruin still have the yucca lashings with knots tied to the roof beams. It’s a pretty amazing site.

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From the Maze to the Mesa

The Maze and the Mesa | Day 4
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

On our forth day Under the Ledge, we awoke to an awesome sunrise. The colors in the sky were just amazing! I quickly hopped out of my tent and grabbed my camera for a photo. When I got my shot composed, I realized that I had taken the battery out the previous night to charge in the Jeep and hadn’t replaced it! I ran back to the Jeep and grabbed the fully charged battery, but missed the best colors of the sunrise in the process. Here’s the shot I managed to get before all of the colors disappeared.


Pictograph Fork & The Harvest Scene

The Maze and the Mesa | Day 2
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our second day started out cold with plenty of wind. None of us slept very well since the wind was noisy all night. After some breakfast we bundled up and started our hike down Pictograph Fork to check out the Harvest Scene pictographs, which was my main reason for setting up this trip to The Maze in the first place.


Into the Maze

The Maze and the Mesa | Day 0: Change of Plans?
Friday, April 8, 2011

As you might have seen in this post before I left on this trip, there was some real concern about the government shutting down and closing Canyonlands National Park. The night before I was set to leave, I stayed up to see what was going to happen in Washington. Luckily, at the last minute they figured out the budget and averted a shutdown. Of course, my time would have been better spent sleeping, but at least we did not have to make any last minute changes to our plans and we would still be able to explore The Maze District of Canyonlands for a few days.

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