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Tag: wildflowers

Independence & Pearl Pass

Colorado Adventure 2009 | Day 4
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On Day 4 we slept in a little bit longer than on the previous days before getting up and breaking down camp. As I stated in the first post on this trip report, Amanda only had 4 days with me before she had to go back to work. Being the 4th day, we needed to head back to Grand Junction this day. There was one trail that I was not able to check out earlier on the trip because it was not yet clear of snow accoriding to my research before leaving, however, after checking again the night before, I knew it was now passable…so we made our way over to Pearl Pass on our way home.

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Escalante Rim, Dry Mesa & East Creek

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yeah, I ended up spending some more time on the Uncompahgre Plateau today since I wanted to stick close to home.

I started out on Delta and made my way to Escalante Canyon on the Escalante Rim trail. From there I took the Dry Mesa trail up onto the Uncompahgre. When I reached Divide Road my plans were to explore some spur trails off of the main road, but it seems there has been a lot of rain up on the plateau lately because all of the trails were very muddy and slick. I decided to skip the exploring until it dries out up there again (maybe in the fall). On my way back home I explored a few short spurs along Highway 141 that went off towards East Creek.